European Business & Management

Special Issue

Exploring the Transformative Impact of Digitalization and Technology

  • Submission Deadline: 31 May 2024
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Daniel Mandel Gandrita
About This Special Issue
In the modern era, the rapid advancement of technology has revolutionized every facet of human existence, fundamentally altering the way we communicate, work, and interact with the world around us. Central to this transformative process is the concept of digitalization, which encompasses the integration of digital technologies into various aspects of our lives. The seamless fusion of digital technologies with traditional systems has ushered in a new era of unprecedented connectivity, efficiency, and innovation. This study delves into the multifaceted impact of digitalization and technology on diverse sectors, investigating how these advancements have shaped industries, societies, and individuals.
Authors are invited to write a perspective article on a topic related to digitalization. This endeavor aims to offer a comprehensive synthesis of contemporary research findings while also projecting the potential trajectories of future research directions. In doing so, it aims to unveil emerging trends and enhance our understanding of the pervasive nature of digitalization in society, intricately interwoven with its pivotal role in driving global economic dynamics.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  1. Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization
  2. Culture and Digitalization
  3. Strategy and Digitalization
  4. Entrepreneurship and Digitalization
  5. Sustainability and Digitalization
  6. Tourism and Digitalization
  7. Accounting and Digitalization
  8. Communication and Digitalization
Lead Guest Editor
  • Daniel Mandel Gandrita

    Departments of Strategy, Universidade Europeia, Lisbon, Portugal